I don't know about you but I invariably push myself and get overly ambitious with my artwork. Generally there is one part of the piece that I begin thinking from the minute I put pencil to paper. For this piece it was the Mother Nature character. This character worried me because I didn't know at first how I would render her, and once I did I had no clue how to paint her. For me, adult female characters are far more challenging than male characters, children, or animals. I think it mainly extends from the fact that I do not have a very deep bench when it comes to visual shorthands for female characters. This is a deficiency I am conscious of and have been trying improve on.
Go Fish! (It's not nice to fool Mother Nature) - Mother Nature detail
This one was challenging because I wanted to give her a plant vibe with green skin but I also knew that the palette had the potential to become monotonous. In addition there was just a lot of detail to handle with some areas like the face and hair that I was worried about how exactly to paint them. I am pretty happy with how it all came out. I realize the purple epaulets with the green skin gets reminiscent of the old school Incredible Hulk but purple and green are a great combo.